Paxton Family Reunion


Bessie Mae (1927-2012), Vallie's daughter, age 6 or 7. "Out on the hill" birthplace,  near Ravenswood.

Rebecca Alice Lee (center) 1866-1947 (Vallie's Mother), at the Proffitt farm in Racine. 

Paxton Family Reunion, July 2010.

Held in Munroe Falls, Ohio.

Welcome to the Paxton Family Reunion web site. The beginning of this Paxton Family Reunion starts with Vallie Florence (née Lee) Paxton (1891-1965) and Alfred Paxton (1884-1934) of Ravenswood, West Virginia and carries on from there.  In 2012, we lost the last and youngest of their children, Bessie Mae, who, at that time, was the President of the Paxton Family Reunion. Bessie's daughter, Rebecca "Becky" Lee, was the Secretary/Treasurer.  Sadly, Becky passed away in May 2013, leaving the Family Reunion history and information in the hands of her sisters, Lynn, Bonnie & Debbie.  In an effort to manage and continue the family's genealogy and reunion traditions in some fashion, this web site will provide a place for family members to go and locate information, history, photos, and much more.

                                   Updated 08.20.14